Dr. Carol Krueger: Developing the Independent Musician
Southwest Christian High School, Chaska, MN
August 1-3, 2022; 8:30-4:30 daily
Relicensure hours available
Graduate credit available through the University of St. Thomas
$120 (or $90 for Luther College cooperating teachers)
FREE for undergraduate music education majors
$150 Zoom option – live attendance only
Building Literacy and Musicianship Skills into the Choral Rehearsal: RHYTHM
Far too often singers are musically illiterate when they enter the choral setting and directors aren’t sure how to develop elementary skills in younger and older singers. Working from the premise that singers learn musical skills in much the same order as they do language skills, participants will explore ho
w we ‘learn’ music through hearing and imitating patterns before reading (translating notation into sound) and writing (translating sound into notation). The pedagogy also includes a sequence of instruction that results in a strong link between sound and notation. The TAKADIMI rhythm- pedagogy system, a beat-oriented system whose originators see it as evolving from Gordon’s syllables, will be incorporated. The rhythm syllables can easily be adapted to elementary through adult choral and instrumental rehearsals in the church and K-Collegiate setting. Specific techniques for developing rhythm reading readiness, literacy, audiation, musical memory, dictation, improvisation, elementary composition and application to choral literature will be addressed.
Building Literacy and Musicianship Skills into the Choral Rehearsal: TONAL
Helping singers become musically literate is central to the school and church choral curriculum. While there is much agreement about why we should teach sight singing, there is less agreement about how we should teach those skills. Are we teaching students to be independent musicians or savvy symbol decoders? This session will present real world concepts to implement a sound before symbol approach to teaching tonal literacy—an approach that will help students learn to read music from the inside out. To aid the development of aural-oral tonal skills, a sequence of vocal pitch exercises will be presented in a graphic form that can be utilized in the choral rehearsal. Specific techniques for developing tonal and melodic reading readiness, literacy, audiation, musical memory, dictation, improvisation, elementary composition and application of tonal and melodic literacy skills to choral literature will be addressed.
Building Literacy and Musicianship Skills into the Choral Rehearsal: MELODIC
These sessions will focus on melodic reading skills and applying the skills to choral literature that reflects the skills of the singers.