We are collecting applications for our spring election for open board positions. The election will take place at Matthew Stensrud's workshop on April 20th 2024. The application/interest form is linked below. Please also feel free to contact me via email to set up a time to chat about any of the board positions. An important thing to know is that the program chair elect and the president elect will have two years to work closely with the current president and program chiar to learn the job before taking on the responsibility in the summer/fall of 2026. There is no set deadline for board candidates but we hope to publicize the candidates at the January workshop so that people will be ready to vote in April.
Link to Interest Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12nmQLYqoFWr2HA5vb5jTakXKVoBTBfSY-t69J2_dMac/viewform?edit_requested=true